Thursday, June 5, 2008

(Out-Of-Temporal-Order) Postscript To Boat Saga

This author has decided to add just one more tag-end finale to the Bayliner saga. As the title indicates, the time sequence of this post is totally invalid based on the order of previous posts; however, it's a fitting inclusion based upon SUBJECT, not ORDER.

End of May, and as always it's time for the mammoth, and always gleefully unruly, Songer (Allison's maiden name, for the unenlightened) Family Reunion. Again for the uninformed, this is our annual foray into the wilds of Central Texas (Lake Whitney this year) for two or three days, to see what everyone is up to and get hugged until unconsciousness is imminent.

Decided to take the boat. Taunting the Underworld, or proving to myself that the torture has a purpose, take your pick.

Won't go into the details, but here are some photos:

The Floating Devil:

For those interested, the Bayliner not only FLOATED when inserted in water, it also STARTED and RAN through the whole weekend. This obviously vindicates the Wife's insistence against the previously-proposed V.A. (Vessel Abandonment). I admit it. SO THERE, NYAAH NYAAH.

Collin (nephew) Fishing From Dock. And Boat Still Afloat:

Marion's RV At Reunion:

Finally, The Cottage We Seven (Spences and Davises) Shared:

And now we are REALLY done with the boat. Coming tomorrow or Friday: We make our way north to Montana. I have AT LEAST four new posts to get in by the time (early next week) we head off to the still avalanche-closed Beartooth Highway and Yellowstone. So DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL!


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