Sunday, July 6, 2008

Life Is Really Very Short...

... and forever is long. Those of my readers (and I am, perhaps, childishly naive in the assumption that there are any) who come to this little fairy-tale kingdom expecting, or hoping, to receive a daily or weekly dose of my [cheerfully and unapologetically amateur] prose... well, you'll have to revisit one of the previous posts. Or, depending upon the trajectory of Time's Arrow, wait for a future installment; 'those are the things that may be'.

I've kinda been runnin' on empty lately; I guess I've stumbled upon one of the primary reasons that, while everybody says they have an idea for a book they'll write 'someday', almost nobody ends up actually seeing their name on the cover, on the flyleaf, or in the New York Times Book Review. Therefore, to those (and I know you're there) who wish I would just shut my pie-hole... yo, hey, this Bud's for you.

Well. Enough of that. If you're still here, and if you have the time, the battery capacity on your laptop, and enough coffee within convenient reach, here's an avalanche (HA! Region-specific metaphor!) of briefly-captioned photos. With apologies to Rod Serling (may he live on forever in reruns): Presented, For Your Approval...

On Long-Ass Trail To Lewis & Clark Caverns:

Inside L & C Caverns:

Another InSide The Caverns:

Allison In The Big Hole-In-The-Ground:

Madison River Falls In Yellowstone:

Taken In Lewis & Clark State Park:

Chico Hot Springs Lodge And Emigrant Peak:

Allison In Mineral Baths At Chico Hot Springs:

Black Mountain From Paradise Valley At Twilight:

Allison At Chico Hot Springs Resort:

At The Wilderness Boundary, Beartooth-Absaroka:

First View, Packing Over The Ridge, Mystic Lake:

Scary Boulder Field We Packed Over:

This Is The END OF JUNE In Beartooth:

West Rosebud Creek Below Mystic Lake:

Gray Wolf Stalking Elk Calf, Yellowstone:

My Fair Lady At Beartooth Plateau Lookout:

Eastern Valley In Yellowstone:

The Big, Bad Wolf Again:

Scotty And Dogs, Beartooth Plateau:

Out The Windshield, 15-Foot Snowbanks, July 1, Beartooth Plateau:

Scotty And Allison At Some River In Yellowstone:

Mountains By Pilot Peak, Yellowstone:

Allison And Dogs By Snowfield, Blue Lake Trail, Crazy Mountains:

The Blue Lake Trail, Crazy Mtns, July 2; We Had To Turn Back:

Big Timber Creek, Crazy Mountains, So Loud It Hurts:

Scotty On Bridge, Packing Into Crazy Mountains:

Looking Back Toward Trailhead, Crazy Mountains:

Scotty And Anonymous Pack Dog Trying To Get To Blue Lake:

I'm done now, and this account is as up-to-date as it's gonna get. We have about seventy-four gazillion more pictures, and some are VERY cool, but I just can't make myself caption 'em all. Anybody who cares can arrange to intersect with our world-line in real time and real space someday and see them if they want.

We're going to Glacier National Park tomorrow for about four days. Mayhap I'll have something else to say after that. Ciao.

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